where in the world is Nepal?
The Kingdom of Nepal, lying along the southern slopes of the Himalayan
mountain ranges, is a landlocked country located between India to the
east, south, and west and the Tibetan Autonomous Region of China to the
Nepal contains some of the most rugged and difficult mountain terrain in
the world. From the south to the north, Nepal can be divided into four main
physical belts, each of which extends east to west across the country.
These are, first, the Tarai, a low, flat, fertile land adjacent to the border of
India; second, the forested Churia foothills and the Inner Tarai zone, rising
from the Tarai plain to the rugged Mahabharat Range; third, the
mid-mountain region between the Mahabharat Range and the Great
Himalayas; and, fourth, the Great Himalaya Range.
Kathmandu is the capital city.
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